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RPS Helps in Both Work and Life

Head, Heart, Keeping up with the Jones'? How do you think about major purchase decisions? #results #decisionmaking #humanresources #leader #future #agile #strategyconsulting #management #leadership…

History of the Game: RPS

Rock, Paper, Scissors or Gawi, Bawi, Bo?? #decisionmaking #leader #future #agile #strategyconsulting #humanresources #results

Leverage RPS to make Business Decisions

Is sound and instant decision making a struggle? #humanresources #leader #future #agile #strategyconsulting #management #leadership #decisionmaking #results

Sharping and Dulling Scissors

How can a #Leader instantly make a connection with people? #results #humanresources #future #agile #strategyconsulting #management

Leveraging the Power of Paper

How to unlock the true potential of your team members? #humanresources #results #leader #future #agile #management #strategyconsulting #leadership