So one day we decided to write a book...

I was approached in late 2017 by my good friend, @Will Jacobs. He told me that he had been thinking about writing a #leadership book about the rock, paper, scissors business #management mentality. Furthermore, he shared that this book had been a lifelong dream of his and proceeded to ask if I wanted to help out. Frankly, I thought he was crazy. How could two out-of-work middle aged managers who were half-way across the world from each other write a book together? But hey, sometimes the craziest ideas are those that can really make an impact!

Leveraging the #gigeconomy to write this book and bring it to the market as #indieauthors has been quite an educational journey. At times it has been frustrating, exciting, and always rewarding. In the end we partnered with sixteen freelancers across nine countries to bring to market “Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Instant Leadership Solution”!

So here we are, two years later. We just launched the book a little over a fortnight ago. Sales have been good, feedback even better, and we are delighted and humbled by both. One of my favorite pieces of feedback is from a colleague of Will’s, @Harry (Charalampos) Mantelis. Harry captured our intent to produce a book for everyone; not to make money, but to make a difference in peoples’ lives by providing a proven, practical and fun leadership framework to motivate yourself and others to create something amazing. I will close with Harry’s kind words from LinkedIn:

“Here is a book about people and then leadership, not the other way around.

Here is a book for managers and leaders.

Here is a book with something that you can use in your life, not only your job.

Thank you, Will and Fred!”


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Check out our book Rock, Paper, Scissors:The instant Leadership Solution

Learn How To Lead, Inspire & Motivate Your Team With The Instant Leadership Solution!

Being a leader is not just about better paychecks and a corner office. When it comes to leadership and management, you have to stay ahead of the game and understand how to motivate, mobilize and inspire your team.

That’s what separates successful teams from teams that never made it.

When it comes to leadership books, management guides and motivational guides for leaders, you cannot afford to settle on management books that only tell you “WHY” it is important to motivate your team members.

What you need is a comprehensive leadership framework that will teach you “HOW” to become a leader that people will love to follow!

What’s In It For You?

Instead of wondering “what went wrong” you can start investing in your future success with a leadership book that will allow you to:

✔️ UNDERSTAND Your Team’s Personality

✔️ MOTIVATE Your Team To Strive For Greatness

✔️ INSPIRE Your Team By Transforming Your Management Style

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