It’s well known that the primary reason people leaving their job is dissatisfaction with their direct line manager. Or say the other way round: your company might be struggling and your pay might be not the highest but if you have a true inspiring and dynamic boss you will be more likely to stick around – and go the extra mile as well.
The skills that make you into a great boss are the same ones that facilitate an engaging culture.
However as today organisations and their teams are shape-shifting more quickly, it also means leaders within them have to adapt rapidly as well. Today, with new expectations around work dynamics, leaders are expected to be the ones to adapt — not their teams.
Therefore to make a success of your work you must have two things: knowledge of how people operate and the willingness to adapt your style to these personas.
These are the foundation stones of success in current times. When you know how to rapidly assess people to ascertain their type and motivation, and what to do once you’ve got that information, you’re in a great position to achieve your objectives.
If you’re a leader yourself you may be struggling with finding out quickly how people operate and if so you’re not alone. It can be hard to read a room full of people and instantly know what to do next.
We all want a comprehensive solution to these problems that can also help us adapt to the dynamic nature of the business world and at the same time help us to get ahead of the competition.
We think Rock Paper Scissors can be the answer to be more effective as a leader and supports you to better cope with the ever increasing speed of change and demands as a leader.
RPS provides the #Skills to rapidly evaluate personalities which in turn allows leaders to empower their teams in the most efficient way possible.
Rocks are referred to as the people who are highly determined yet closed, Papers are referred to as the individuals who are enthusiastic and sociable yet unstructured, whereas Scissors are referred to as the perfectionists, highly analytical as well as critical.
With RPS at your disposal, you can get the best out of your teams by quickly and easily mobilizing your people in such a way that they are intrinsically motivated to give their best day in day out.
How do you decide who should work with who, and how you should best communicate with each person, if you don’t know them all?
Curious to learn more, just follow us via our LinkedIn Business Page.
Check out our book Rock, Paper, Scissors:The instant Leadership Solution
Learn How To Lead, Inspire & Motivate Your Team With The Instant Leadership Solution!
Being a leader is not just about better paychecks and a corner office. When it comes to leadership and management, you have to stay ahead of the game and understand how to motivate, mobilize and inspire your team.
That’s what separates successful teams from teams that never made it.
When it comes to leadership books, management guides and motivational guides for leaders, you cannot afford to settle on management books that only tell you “WHY” it is important to motivate your team members.
What you need is a comprehensive leadership framework that will teach you “HOW” to become a leader that people will love to follow!
What’s In It For You?
Instead of wondering “what went wrong” you can start investing in your future success with a leadership book that will allow you to:
✔️ UNDERSTAND Your Team’s Personality
✔️ MOTIVATE Your Team To Strive For Greatness
✔️ INSPIRE Your Team By Transforming Your Management Style
Latest Blogs
Our teams are ready to adapt, are we?
How RPS can Enhance Emotional Intelligence
Help, I need somebody
Staying Connected
Finding Joy